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ShoutOut Youth Theatre


Shout Out Youth Theatre was set up to create a safe space for young people (aged from 13-18 years) to explore the world using the medium of drama. The group is a proud member of the Irish Youth theatre community.


Shout Out Youth Theatre meet every Wednesday  (during term time) from 4 to 6pm here in St John's Theatre.  Our term kicks off annually in October and runs until the end of May. Our Facilitator is Liam Heffernan.  This theatre is kindly supported by Kerry ETB and Kerry County Arts Office.


For further information, give us a call here at St John's Theatre on  068 22566.   Anyone interested in joining our Shout Out Youth Theatre  is more than welcome and should complete an application form available below for downloading below, or call into see us in St John's Theatre. Those wishing to join must be over 13 years of age and under 20 years of age.  There is currently NO Fee for membership of this Youth Theatre per term.



Theatrix Youth Theatre with Jo Jordan


Theatrix Theatre School is an acting, singing and movement experience for 4 to 16 years olds. It brings to children the magic of Dahl, Dickens, Lewis Caroll, C.S Lewis and many more. See them sing, act and dance through performances of all the great musicals and watch them grow in confidence. From pre-schoolers to our youth drama class we build in progression to ensure all children develop at every age.


Theatrix has been bringing acting to the stage since 2000 when our children first performed in St Johns Theatre in Listowel. Many years on with a broader geographical reach and with a reputation based on fun, inclusion, respect and creative directing we continue to do what we love – bringing the magic of theatre to children and teens.

The year is divided into a spring, easter and winter term with end of term performances for all classes. Classes are divided by age, with added flexibility for siblings. Weekly classes are held after school. End of term productions give the children the opportunity to perform to a supportive audience of friends, family and to the general public.


Jo Jordan hails from Reading in the UK. A lifelong student of drama herself Jo sung with the local church choir, performed ballet, tap and drama before taking a contemporary arts degree in Manchester Metropolitan University where she specialised in Directing, Acting and Contemporary Dance.  Jo came to Ireland in 2000 and performed for the following 5 years with HumourFit Theatre Company delivering issue based performances to secondary schools across Ireland.


Since then Jo has developed Theatrix into a leading performance group in the region. Not one to take herself too seriously Jo, as evidenced by her shows, is also a perfectionist.


She is very much at home with kids and loves the challenge of bringing it all together for showtime.



St John's Youth Theatre with Chris Fitzgerald

St. John's Youth Theatre is there for any young person interested in the theatre, not just acting but also in production. We need designers, set builders, stage crew and people for sound and lighting. Also if you've done any writing, don't leave it lying in a drawer somewhere, bring it along to us because we want to read it and help you get it on stage. We meet every Monday at 5pm in here in St. John's Theatre so come along for a very worthwhile experience and great craic.  Our Facilitator is Chris Fitzgerald




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St. John's Theatre & Arts Centre  

The Square, Listowel,

Co. Kerry, Ireland. V31 V223


Registered Charity Number CHY 10442

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Opening Hours

St. John's Theatre &  Arts Centre

Monday - Saturday 10am - 5:30pm

Telephone: 068 22566



If you require assistance for your visit, please do not hesitate to contact us.​

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